About Us

Candace Kirksey, Owner/Designer
Candace is the store owner and designer for Kentake Krochet. Responsible for creating each item and designing patterns. With 5+ years of crochet experience, you can be sure each item is great quality and beautifully
designed. Click the photo for item details!

”Creativity is key! I’m so excited to share my items with you. Each item is handmade by me and is meticulously crafted to be a special item for each customer. Slow fashion is a trend that is growing day by day and I’m happy to be a part of it. The name, the brand, the entire site is special to me. ”

Chaz Ezidore, Photographer
 Chaz is the photographer and creative director for Kentake Krochet. His vision and creative perspective is key to the success of the brand. Each photograph is chosen by him and edited to display the item in its best form. Check the icons below for social media! 

“I’m excited to bring these pieces of work to life capturing the essence of the Kentake Krotchet’s vivid colors down to the stitch pattern. Photography is a passion of mine and I was honored to assist with taking the photos for this site!”
